राष्ट्रीय (09/12/2014) 
Message of NHRC Chairperson, Mr. Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, on the eve of Human Rights Day – 2014

New Delhi, Fellow citizens, greetings to you all on the eve of Human Rights Day, which is tomorrow – the 10th December.  This is a solemn occasion to remind each one of us that human rights are universal and inalienable rights of every human being by birth.  These rights have to be observed, promoted and protected by each and every individual, throughout the year on a continuous basis as aptly suggested by the slogan Human Rights 365, adopted by the United Nations for this year’s Human Rights Day. 

          Therefore, the onus to observe Human Rights Day lies not only with the National or State Human Rights Commissions but also with the Governments.  I appeal to all the Heads of the Governments to come forward on this solemn occasion to endorse publicly the importance of Human Rights Day through various forums in order to help usher in a culture of human rights in the country. This should reflect in our mindset and behaviour in personal and public life.

          I am confident that sincere efforts will be made by the various Government functionaries about the protection and promotion of human rights so that there is an environment of zero tolerance to human rights violations.  As of now, the increasing number of complaints of human rights violations is a serious concern for the National Human Rights Commission.  While these complaints reflect apathetic attitude of public functionaries towards common man, they also show the growing awareness of people about their rights and faith in the functioning of the NHRC, which has been tirelessly working towards the protection and promotion of human rights for the last 21 years.

          Let us take a pledge that each one of us will stand-up for the promotion and protection of human rights and that we will not be party to any such action through words or deed that may undermine the rights of others towards a life of dignity.  No occasion then Human Rights Day can be better to orient ourselves towards achieving this goal of promoting the culture of Human Rights amongst the masses

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