राष्ट्रीय (24/11/2014) 
Vice President, HSBC, Ludhiana joined seminar on Strategic Supremacy in New Delhi

With consistent economic growth India will be No.1 nation by 2050  said,  renowned strategist Prof. Richard D’Aveni today in a seminar organized by ALL LADIES LEAGUE on Strategic Supremacy: How You Can Create Growth, Wealth, and Power Through Spheres of Influence at Vivanta by Taj in New Delhi. Ms. Harpreet Soin, Vice President of HSBC Bank, Ludhiana said, I am delighted and thankful to Richard, who gave us a deep insight on Strategic Supremacy.

HSBC Bank has grown leaps and bounds under the exemplary leadership of Ms. Harpreet Soin.  She said I would like to express my appreciation to all the people for actively participating in this enthralling session, and my heartfelt thanks to Prof. Richard for instilling in us with the knowledge of the unique nature of Strategic Supremacy.

Today, India and all of us are poised at a strategic moment in time - one as significant as the dawn of our Independence and one that can change in fundamental ways the way we live and think. What is critically required in such times is a strategic shift in our thinking process, and a new entrepreneurial mindset to chart out our own path of growth and influence” said Dr. Harbeen Arora, Global Chairperson, ALL Ladies League.

The event was aimed towards discussing new and feasible strategies which could be implemented to foster Indias growth. The talk seminar was attended by eminent ALL members and distinguished personalities from across the industry. 

ALL Ladies League is first-of-its-kind international women chamber which works to connect women from all spheres of the society in a common sisterhood. The interactive session on Strategic Supremacy was organized by ALL Delhi Chapter at Vivanta by Taj-Ambassador in New Delhi on 21st November 2014

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